Student Social Life

     In his address "To the Students of Victoria College" in the 1923-24 Annual, Principal Edward B. Paul summed up their college experience with the thought that, "if you have learned, here, only self-reliance in your studies, and have acquired a genuine love for books, your time in this College has not been wasted.  The Faculty unite with me in wishing you all health, happiness and prosperity wherever your lot may be cast." (p.7)

     The Annual, Craigdarroch, and later the Tower highlighted the events and activities of College students, clubs and events and allowed students to have a personal momento of their college year.  Although the yearbook changed names and formats over the years, the contents remained fairly consistent.  Selections have been made from the first Annual published in 1923-24, the Craigdarroch of 1931-32, and the Tower of 1955-56, so as to give a general sense of the contents.  These annual publications contained sections such as:  portraits of College Faculty, President's foreword, many stories and poems in English and French, cameos of students with personal write-ups, Students' Council report, social and club activities, noted visitors, editorial and year wrap-ups, team photos and athletic reports, class lists, cartoon pages, and, of course, a page for autographs.

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