An after-door-chime silence. Strawberry pink NIP SHT 10
So on this after-storm-lit evening SEL NOR 138
Green upon the flooded Avon shone the after-storm-wet-sky NBB BTC 1
Oh the after-tram-ride quiet, when we heard a mile beyond, NBB PRL 16
The stuccoed afternoon? LNC CHL 12
Sunday Afternoon Service in St. Enodoc Church, Cornwall NBB BAT 24
This sunlit and sea-distant afternoon. NBB ENO 117
By motor-coach inland this afternoon. SEL SEA 180
Now on this out of season afternoon FLC SIN 1
With afternoon tea-cakes and scones. FLC GET 20
Under the ground, on a Saturday afternoon in winter FLC VAR 1
In the dying afternoon FLC VAR 6
By now the sun of afternoon HAH GCR 37
On sunny, antiquarian afternoons. NBB ENO 64
I take it up myself, and afterwards, LNC BTC 52
He gets at them through the War Ag. Committee. FLC VIL 57
Oh Highbury Station once and again. MOZ SAN 8
Dear boy, pull again at the bell! COD OSC 18
Nor be quite the same again. COD BOO 20
Turn again, Higginson, COD PHD 1
Turn down the gas again COD PHD 19
gas again, Glory! COD PHD 20
And golden sand was brown again, LNC TRB 24
Time flies. I must be going. Come again. LNC BTC 60
Come to breathe again Oxford air. LNC MFO 24
To prime it for the earth again LNC CAD 10
When shall I see the Thames again? NBB HEN 19
The prow-promoted gems again, NBB HEN 20
Till the tram went over thirty, sighting terminus again, NBB PRL 11
Was slowly reverting to marshland again NBB LIN 30
To tap the chestnut boughs again NBB ANA 4
The sole grows hot in London shoes again. NBB ENO 13
Criss-crossing, baffled, sucked and shot again, NBB ENO 93
And the ache increased again, NBB GRE 22
Just for its sake she will be young again. SEL SEA 25
And smack again. He's out! Well caught, Delphine! SEL SEA 101
Crashing with pebbly backwash, burst again SEL NOR 20
Where centuries hence, there will be woods again. SEL NOR 26
Quite overset him. Harold serves again SEL NOR 75
And dreams herself again in fair Shanghai. SEL NOR 79
The Tortoise stove is lit again FLC CHR 2
Keep alive our lost Elysium rural Middlesex again. FLC MID 9
To autumn-scented Middlesex again. FLC MET 30
A schoolboy once again in shivering shorts. FLC SIN 8
The lungs draw in the air and rattle it out again; FLC REM 1
No more worry and waiting and troublesome doubt again FLC REM 3
I would listen even again to that labouring breath. FLC REM 12
Landlord! he cries, the same again all round! FLC VIL 127
Shut again till April stands her little hutment PWA 5
He drags himself to earth again to say good-bye to me PWA INE 18
The barriers and mountains he has crossed again must be. PWA INE 20
Eingang we're in love again PWA PUG 3
Then, Bobby, I can play again with you. HAH NAR 24
Is roused to breakfast, church or sleep again. NIP LWA 23
To Casa Kenilworth, brought back again NIP COS 5
Let into Oxford and let out again, NIP PAT 4
Against an unencumbered sky COD PRT 2
Olive against blue-black, moving in the gale. COD LOV 8
YOU SHALL NOT! flat against the summer sun, LNC EBE 31
And one against the other hurled LNC TRB 35
I'll build against the vista and the duns. LNC PIE 8
I'll build a mighty wall against the rain. LNC PIE 12
That flap against the house-boat side NBB HEN 8
We in the tournament you against me! NBB BLS 4
Romanesque against the sky. NBB EMI 45
Corner boys against the walling NBB GRE 13
You, who pressed me closely to you, hard against your party frock? SEL NEW 21
Black sways the tamarisk against the West, SEL NOR 54
I see the urn against the yew, FLC ENG 1
And hear against the polished sides at night FLC NOF 15
No chance for me against the Japanese. FLC SIN 25
Then crack against the column of my spine, FLC SIN 30
Its chimneys steady against a mackerel sky. FLC DEV 8
And banged against the bounding ball FLC OLY 17
Against the tide the off-shore breezes blow. PWA FEL 5
Although we knew his death was near, we fought against it hard. PWA INE 16
Under those barrows, dark against the sky, HAH NIN 19
The sea runs back against itself HAH WSE 1
Against the breeze the breakers haste, HAH WSE 9
Against the tide their ridges run HAH WSE 10
Against this multi-water noise? HAH WSE 20
Against this pale November haze, HAH AUT 2
And will they take his word against my own? NIP SHT 50
Born in an age of railways, for flowering into to-day! NBB INV 8
Where a Stone Age people breeds NBB EMI 35
The last of Europe's stone age race. NBB EMI 36
White with rage and lined with age but strong and sturdy still NBB POU 19
Youth and Age on Beaulieu River, Hants NBB PEL 12
That youthfulness and age are one. FLC CHI 16
This is the age of progress. Let us meet FLC VIL 26
Coiffuring tricks of the age. FLC SSY 16
The Iron Age dead HAH NIN 20
O age without a soul; HAH PRO 3
What was his age? Good God, man, let me think.... NIP SHT 110
Or in what age we're living. NIP BAL 66
Curate-in-charge of aged parish fears. COD CAL 6
Yet still stands the Mall where his agent resided, HAH SMA 14
The Rock of Ages Roll. COD PAD 8
Now full with help from ages past, NBB ANA 17
O God, our help in ages past, HAH MAT 23
The Rock of Ages cleft for me. HAH MAT 42
Avis, it's ages!... Hamish, but its aeons ... NIP PAT 24
Official designs are aggressively neuter, NIP NWT 27
Two years ago when we had just moved in LNC BTC 13
And done with years ago NBB SOL 14
Where centuries ago were waving woods SEL NOR 25
But there some fifty years ago FLC HRE 11
Down this same path, where, forty years ago, FLC NOF 5
The rapturous ignorance of long ago, FLC NOF 22
What caused the quarrel fifteen years ago FLC VIL 101
Once the railway out of London over twenty years ago FLC LIT 16
How long ago did rock with rock collide HAH NIN 11
Just three years ago, HAH CAP 2