College Publications


The Chief publication is the "Annual," which appears at the close of the Spring Term.  One copy of the Annual is given to each student who has paid his or her fees.

The "Handbook" is published and distributed at the beginning of the College Year.

At Christmas time cards bearing the College crest are sold under the supervision of the Students' Council.

(Arc LE3 V453 p.28)


The chief publication is the "Annual" which appears at the close of the Spring Term.  One copy of the Annual is given to each students who has paid his fees.

The "Handbook" is published and distributed at the beginning of the College Year.

Cards bearing the College crest are sold, at Christmas time, under the supervision of the Students' Council.

The College Bulletin - a list of events etc., posted on the Bulletin Boards.

The Victoria College Calendar - the official Bulletin of the College, obtainable on request to the Registrar.

"The Microscope" - a bulletin compiled by the students, subject to the approval of the Students' Council.

(Arc LE3 V453 p.34)


Principal publications on the campus are "The Martlet", the student newspaper, and "The Tower," the college yearbook.  "The Martlet" is a weekly publication while "The Tower" is released just prior to sessional (final) exams.  Both publications will this year be financed from the A.M.S. fees and will therefore be free to students.

Other publications include "The Handbook" (which by way of interest you are now reading), "The Student Directory" which lists the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all students, and "The Stylus," a literary publication which appears on the campus throughout the winter session.

(Arc LE3 V453 p.24)

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